little trick that might help you!
Method one: Login with the default administrator account
Step 1: Start Windows PC
Step 2: When you can see the Windows login screen, press ctrl+alt+del keys Twice and it'll show Classic Login box
Step 3: Type Administrator as Username and leave the Password field blank
Step 4: Press the Enter Key and then you can be able to login the default windows administrator account which is it created by default when install windows.
Note: When you input the key combination Please don't put the cursor on any account. And if you change the name or password before, you cannot login by this way.
Method two: TRY command prompt about password reset trick
1. Log in with any valid account.
2. Bring up the command prompt.
Type: net user
You get a list of accounts
Type: net user Administrator *
Type: net user (any account on that list) *
3. It prompts for a password. Enter one, then enter it again when prompted to confirm.
Now, try to log on as 'Administrator' with your new password. *
Please note that this might not work on a LIMITED account .
Method three : use a Windows Password Recovery cd
1. Visit the windows Password Recovery tool official site:
2. Download the tool and run it
3. Burn the password reset cd to a blank CD/DVD or USB flash drive
4. Turn to the computer which you lost password, reboot it, insert the nearly created recovery disk.
5. Click Del key to load bios setting, set the system load from cd/dvd or usb, save the change
6. reboot the computer, load the password recovery software
7. select the windows os installation folder, select the user accout , reset the password
8. finish. you can login windows with a blank password now.